Now, the fact - There are 3 trains from India which frequently come under top 10 luxurious trains in world.
These are the luxurious 'Indian' trains:
1. The Maharaja Express:
It is owned by IRCTC (Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation)
and operated from early 2010. It is the most expensive luxury train in
Asia. It has been voted "The World's Leading Luxury Train" thrice, in a row at The World Travel Awards, 2012, 2013 and 2014. For more details - "Maharajas' Express".
The Train-
The Cabins-
2. Palace on Wheels: It
was launched by the Indian Railways in association with Rajasthan
Tourism Development Corporation to promote tourism in Rajasthan. It was
voted the 4th luxurious train in the world in 2010. For more details - "Palace on Wheels".
The Train-
The Cabins-
3. The Golden Chariot: This
train is operated by the Karnataka State Tourism Development
Corporation and The Maple Group handles the hospitality services on the
train. It has been awarded the title of "Asia's Leading Luxury Train" at World Travel Awards, 2013. For more details - "Golden Chariot".
The Train-
Here you can find the list top 10 luxurious trains in world - "Top 10 Luxury Trains in the World"
credit: akash kumar sah
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