Should you spend your money on an online course?
Do not spend your money on an online course unless you have too much to keep in your bank account. I am not sure wh…
Do not spend your money on an online course unless you have too much to keep in your bank account. I am not sure wh…
Enjoying my day? I do not think so, from the last few weeks I am thinking about going out and doing something unique bu…
If I talk about myself, I follow only two things in my life to be able to write at least one answer every week. I read …
One of the best products that I have bought have helped me in numerous things and that would be my book. Reading is one…
If I remember properly from year 2012 I had so many bad habits if I start making list it will be quite long. But I will…
Addiction is a huge word to digest in life when we already have unlimited problems and just a few solutions. I had the …
Book: Atomic Habits. Let me compare the old me vs the improved me, and then we will find out how and what I have impro…
When time is less everything, we do is important. Here are 3 things which I follow to boost my productivity: Ref: Boo…
I will answer this question in a very simple way so anyone can understand the reason behind bad and good mood. Suppose …
To reach this stage of life practice is required actually a lot of practice in every day’s life. I will tell you what I…
I have always aspired to be a life time learner as I have seen how people are dead as they have stopped showing their i…
· Improving skills every day: if I keep on improving and working on skills which I already have then something new an…
If you are aware about yourself and you know what works for you what is good for you and, therefore, what isn’t - it is…
Staying in the same environment and place is boring, get out of the house and go somewhere new try to find things which…
Regardless of the steps you take, everyone else seems to be contented while you’re left behind with a feeling of soul-w…
Consistency is the only thing that drives me crazy, whenever I start doing something and wish to stick with the same, s…
In 90s there were so many things that we were not aware of and then it felt to be some kind of magic. We did not lear…
If you have trouble making a decision, flip a coin. While you're waiting to get the result, your mind automatically…
Consider the reason why you want to do something? Practice meditation and ask questions related to the work or project …
Being productive throughout your day to day life is essential. If you are not doing something productive means you are …