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Have you ever tried this for your writing skill?

If I talk about myself, I follow only two things in my life to be able to write at least one answer every week. I read whenever I get time whether it is on Quora or Medium or LinkedIn. The moment I finish reading I write one comment related to the topic or answer I have just read; this brings clarity to whatever I have just understood from those lines of the answer. 

Then I check if I have any questions to answer directly, if there are several questions, I pick one according to my knowledge and experience and I start writing while writing I try to visualize all the related moments so I could get more clarity about what I am trying to share through words. 

Basically, what I am trying to say here is read as much as possible and keep up with the writing practice and increase your vocabulary so you can express yourself with a wide range of words and sentences for others to understand easily.

Practice writing short notes on your phone or laptop but be consistent, being interested and consistent bring so much to you and your knowledge, it helps a lot in understanding situations and the solutions.

By following these things, you will be able to improve not only on Quora but in your life and career of writing and sharing.

Be inquisitive and steady.



Image source: Pixabay

Preferred book: Amazon

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