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Should you spend your money on an online course?

Do not spend your money on an online course unless you have too much to keep in your bank account.

 I am not sure whether you will be able to connect with me or not but whatever I am going to tell you is 100 percent true for me I have faced this quite a few times in my life so it will be from my perspective of an online paid course.

Whenever I wanted to learn something and I had no other option than to enroll in an online course I was worried about my money because I have had not enough to spend on anything else except spending on my basic needs.

I tried and managed the amount for the fee and went ahead enrolled myself for the course and I got disappointed most of the time. Sometimes there was an issue with the recording sessions or notes so I could not attend the live class properly as I have work to do for income to pay all the expenses.

For me, an online class is as difficult as reaching out to the moon to experience the vibes of that environment. I finally decided not to go for any class which is being conducted through online platforms and ruin my time with it. I would rather travel a few miles to reach out to the teacher for an offline face-to-face session.

One more thing is there if you already have spent a huge amount on an online session and if there is a technical or any kind of error in the class video you will have to find extra time to reach out to the concerned person or team to get it fixed and that will suck up your time which you could have spent on something important.

So, you got to consider and think about so many things and factors before you enroll in a course on an online platform.




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