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                   | Is your comfort zone ruining your life? | Find your motivation |

If you look around in your world, every single thing that you use now, everything you buy or had already bought has only one purpose to bring comfort in your life till now. Whenever we are in our comfort zone, we feel lazy to get up and use our brain for any kind of work to be done when required.

This is what I follow when I start feeling low or lazy to get up and take action towards work or any plan, I sit and ask myself; Do I have all the happiness and facilities that I want in my life? By asking questions you get so much clarity about your action and thoughts.   

I can feel comfortable but not peaceful while being in my comfort zone. If you see people who are truthful to you, who make you who you want to be when you grow up, if you look at their life carefully then you will get to know you will find that he takes a very stressful decision every day. Every day all those stressful decisions have to teach something to be an improved version of the life.

When you wake up every day give one challenge to yourself, always tell yourself this is what I will have to do if I really wish to grow in life. If I won’t complete this challenge then I will not be able to learn what I want to learn. I can’t change the world but at least I can change myself. Always compare yourself to your older version so you could see the difference clearly and fill the gap accordingly.

Focus on yourself and focus on your skills.

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