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Ways you can boost your productivity by bettering your priority list?

When time is less everything, we do is important. Here are 3 things which I follow to boost my productivity:

Ref: Book.

1. Writing urgent works on the top of the list: Try to complete urgent tasks before the given time so we have a little more time to recheck and improve the quality. Quality always matters no matter whatever the work type is.

2. Find the gap and work on it: when we keep doing same thing with same procedure/process then we lack improving ourselves and also, we avoid looking for other alternative option which might have more productivity and less time consumption. Keeping the door open to learn and practice is always appreciated in the process of being productive.

3. Review and give honest feedback: after completion of task review the time consumption and the work quality which must be best in segment, if not then give yourself an honest feedback and find out the reasons behind missing out things from the work done.

I never write beyond 3-4 tasks in my to-do list for the day. The limited and important tasks, the more assurance & quality will be delivered. Don’t just fill the page with the list of things to do in a day, keep it small and write only urgent works to be done in a day by doing this you will be focused and determined in delivering the best.

Sometimes we simply write so many things and 90% of them are unnecessary, so be honest with this and prioritize your day wisely.

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