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What is something that you're glad you did not learn early on in life?

In 90s there were so many things that we were not aware of and then it felt to be some kind of magic.

We did not learn about technology which sometimes makes me feel it was better back then living with just a few necessary things enjoying life to the fullest.

20 years ago, there were nothing heard something like depression and anxiety and loneliness. and if we look at now young people are full of these things which seem strange for people who are born in 80s or 90s.

I did not use any kind of mobile phone or internet till my high school. And if I look at the current situation of high schoolers, I feel blessed it was not the same back then.

I did not learn about social media and any kind of activity that people nowadays follow or get involved in. Teenagers are getting involved in drugs and drinking and showing wealth and roaming around uselessly with doing some unnecessary things which eventually harm them.

I never tried to be over smart because I had limited and a specific information feeded to my brain. And hence, I acted or thought about only what was important.

In my early life I played whole day with friends and that too outside of the house and never stayed sitting at one place for a long time.

It feels so good and sometimes surprisingly odd that how all the things were so different back then, less worries, more of happiness and joy every day we felt excited and full of energy to play and roam and talk about so many things not online but offline, with friends and cousins.

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  1. You've written exactly true facts 💐
    glad to read n thank god I'd not used smartphones till graduation part 1🤭


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