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What are some small changes in daily habits that could make a huge improvement?

If all the small changes in our daily life come together then it has a huge impact on our daily life and our behavior towards things and people.

These 5 small changes in my daily life have taught me so many things about mindset and behavior;

1.     Being careful about the information I’m feeding to my brain, because at the end of the day what we have gathered throughout the day comes out in many forms.

2.     Understanding and thinking is what I do rather than complaining and criticizing, whenever something irrelevant and disadvantageous happen.

3.     We must stay away from assuming anything. the reality of the matter remains constant but we keep on thinking about things which are not related somewhere to the facts.

4.     Asking questions about everything that I don’t understand, whatever that thing is if I don’t understand I say no clearly. and then I learn, if I find it valuable and necessary.

5.     Sitting in silence for at least 5 minutes. It makes the mind calm and maintains a stable mindset so we could be focused and work efficiently.

I always had this thought of sharing, whenever I share something positive or something related to someone’s growth it makes me feel energetic and full of inspiration to work more and help others.

When we are only working for ourselves and being selfish about things and people, then we are suppressing our joy and openness and I think nothing could be worse than this in someone’s life.

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