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Are you living the life you wish to live?

Enjoying my day? I do not think so, from the last few weeks I am thinking about going out and doing something unique but I am not able to because of current situations in my family. Whenever I am thinking about going out and making some videos for my YouTube channel or writing some pages of my book some other serious situations are holding me back.  

Currently, I do not understand why and how things are changing for me I am planning something and something else is happening. Still, I am trying to fix what is necessary for now. I have a small list of tasks to be finished this year 2022.

I am going through a hectic day nowadays and loads of work are pending already. Not able to enjoy my day nor I am able to do something for myself as I have to look after my family and my job as well.

Looking and waiting for the right time is what I have left now I have to wait patiently for the time when the time will let me do something for myself then I would be able to enjoy my day while working for myself, not for the money.

Whatever time I have in the daytime I am learning about self-brand creation and freelancing skills. This is what going to give me freedom and independence in life to do something for others and for myself as well.

Happy Learning!

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