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How do you make a habit of reading?

Let me share about myself, how I made a habit of reading every day, and be consistent with this habit of reading. I did not like reading and writing at the initial stage of this journey, now it’s been my habit of doing it every day without thinking about it. 

I used to read a lot of answers written by amazing people on Quora, there were so many amazing writers when it was new in my country ‘India’. Now I am not spending much time there as I have to look after my job and studies as well. I must tell you my journey of reading and writing started from there only by reading and re-reading and getting inspired to write even when I did not know how to start a sentence and share my thoughts and experiences, slowly and gradually I started and still I am continuing this journey.

I am not asking you to finish a book or write a long 1000words story, just start with a short note in your phone or diary whenever you feel like it, and read it again and again, by doing this not only you will be getting in a habit of reading but also writing habit will be following altogether.

Reading heals, makes you wise, and keeps the mind sharp.

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