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Have you compared your older self and the new one?

Book: Atomic Habits.

Let me compare the old me vs the improved me, and then we will find out how and what I have improved so far.

Old Me:






Always used to compare my life with others.

Complaining all the time about everything around me.

Didn’t understand the value of time and energy.

Talked negative about everything.

Now, Improved me:

Now, I understand the value of being patient where it is required.

Stopped comparing myself and my life with others.

I don't only just see things and people but observe them.

Complaining all the time drastically reduce your remembering power or recalling ability. So stopped complaining instead I started looking for solutions of the problems I used to complain about.

Every minute, every day we are reaching towards the end of our life, so I stopped wasting time and energy on things and thoughts which sucked my ability to be creative.

Having a negative mindset has a lot of disadvantages in life. I am still working on it towards positivity.

Reading habit is one the best habits I consider having at least in everyone's life.

Without analysing and researching to an extent I don't believe in anything what others say to me.

All credit goes to the situation and struggles I have faced in my life, and due to which I started the habit of reading and writing which have helped me develop a positive mindset.

Even if we are working on one thing or habit of us every day it will help a lot in creating a different perspective to understand situations in a better way.

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