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How and when do I motivate others?

For me it is really a tough task to do and follow up, I don’t think I would be able to motivate anyone else except myself. Till now I have not achieved anything in my life so I could tell someone that look at me and learn something, this I could do only in my dream.

I have faced and still facing a lot of scenarios/situations where I find myself alone standing far behind from people who are doing good in their life and have a lot of experience in various sectors. And me who is struggling to even learn a single skill from a long time and have reached nowhere.

It’s hard for me nowadays to understand things and people around, I wonder how they can learn so fast and accurate while me wondering where to start?

Forget motivating others, I am facing problem to motivate myself when I see myself stuck at a place and not growing in anyway it feels like hell.

One thing I find in me is the attitude of trying and not giving up so easily in the process of learning. I can say that I have patience a lot of patience to wait and work/learn.

Motivating others seems quite easy and fun until it comes to self and then it becomes even harder to pause and listen to our soul. We all are in hurry for something or someone to be in our life and in this process, we forget about the law of nature.

I believe everything has the right time to take place or to happen in one’s life, we must learn to wait, understand, and then act.

Patience teaches us so many things in our life, like those who are in hurry make blunders that they can’t even recover from that and afterwards all they’ve left is regrets and lessons but its too late to take that lesson for the next time.

All I can say is keep learning and you will start understanding things, if someone asks for any advice; I don’t know what else to say as this is what I follow, I suggest.

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