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Being a student is not easy?

Multitasking is the sin in your life. Whenever I try to do a few things at the same time, it ruins the creativity and prevents from adding the details to the work and then your attention divides in different works.

When studying or doing a project be at one and give your 100% so it turns out to be your best at least.

Learn, self-study these two habits of a student take one far from being average and doing what everyone else is doing. Learning is a never-ending process and one can be a long-life learner to be updated and contented.

Being curious plays a vital role in the process of learning, the more curious you are the more information about things and people you will have, which will help you in long run, understanding how the world works and why?

Do not put yourself in something which will suck up your important time and energy and when it is necessary then you are not left with time; nor energy to work for something which is important and needs your effort.

Being in comfortable zone for a long time kills your creativity and courage to do something extraordinary and different than your average or regular activity. Put yourself in some situation where it feels awkward and uncomfortable then observe your behavior and thoughts, how they try to put you down and make you feel uneasy without even having a valid reason in that specific time.

Don’t live like you and your activities are being repeated for the rest of the life.

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