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Do you always wish to teach something to others?

First, just for now stop thinking about teaching anything to anyone, we got to have highly skilled at something to teach others the same. We need to focus on learning and developing our understanding ability in any situation.

Change one habit at a time: Don’t try to overload your brain with too many things at the same time. Pick one good habit and replace it with your bad one and keep this in practice until it becomes your concrete daily habit.

Always start from small and easy: Never put yourself in any pressure or your mind will manipulate you to leave it in beginning itself. Start from easy steps and then while warming up push the level to moderate and then high, by doing this it won’t let you feel that you are doing something out of your daily habit.

Try affirmation and visualization: keeping yourself in positive mindset helps a lot, while sitting silently visualize the outcome of the habit you are going to build and imagine the changes will occur after you have conquered the habit.

Observe, don’t just see: Be with details and don’t just see things with your open eyes, think about how and why? Asking this puts your brain in the process of finding details and the reason why?

Watch your thought and behavior: Watch yourself, how and when you react in a specific situation. Change it if you find it bad, improve it if you think it’s just an average. Don’t compromise with the quality of your action or thought because these are the things which eventually make you an extraordinary personality.

Have patience: Everything you do in your life requires immense amount of patience and consistency. If someone wishes to have immediate results, he puts himself in trouble. Just act wisely let the time be your guide and show you the outcome, don’t panic, don’t be in hurry.

Be flexible: In case something isn’t working out for you, either find another way or change the way. For this tracking yourself and the work is necessary. I am not saying that you should give up after a few failures, but you must know when to give up. Being aware about what and why you are doing, is all you need. Having a strong reason behind any work or act is the sign of success in most of the cases.

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