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Do not trust anything you hear with your ears or see with your eyes. Always ask questions and pause yourself to think and re-think because when we start believing everything, our life and purpose become useless to some extent as we are not exploring or learning something new by trying and making mistakes.

Try and utilize every 5 minutes of life which you eventually waste on something nonsense. When you put your desires and wishes at last and plan your time wisely and work on your top priorities you feel good, satisfied, and sharp. Never let yourself drive away with your desires for something or someone.

When you will be able to divide your tasks wisely suddenly you will have much time to be productive and deliver work as expected. Do not try to attempt multitasking which can suck your energy right away and later you will feel you have spent a lot of time in just switching between works/Tasks and nothing has been done yet.

We must avoid temporary pleasure and understand the value of time and being practical in life, we dwell into the things which give us pleasure in that moment but put us in trouble for a long time, and then we are left with regrets and curse for ourselves.

Keeping the brain clean and minimized with important tasks and people help us grow rapidly as we are investing our time and energy in something which have positive outcomes for us.

Clarity in thought brings the clarity in work when we are confused about our thought or idea then we struggle to execute it on the real ground level. It always helps having the steps and procedure in our mind for anything we are working on.

The principle of “speaking less and listening more” has numerous benefits, which we realize when we start working on some projects or when we have to understand a situation where immense amount of focus is required.

“Keep your to-do list short and clear”.

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