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How year 2021 has put me in a different dimension of life?

If I remember properly from year 2012 I had so many bad habits if I start making list it will be quite long. But I will share just one recent habit which I dropped this year 2021. ‘Complaining’ was one of the biggest negative habits which stopped me from improving and learning many things until I finally decided to work on it and get rid of it.

In the year of 2021, I took the resolution of complaining less and not ending it completely because I genuinely wanted to work on it by taking small steps. And it worked perfectly for me, whenever I found out myself complaining I tried to find out the core reason for whatever got me stuck and made me complain.

Slowly and gradually, I got one new good habit of finding out the reasons and left one bad habit of complaining. Because of this one habit many things have changed in life, when I look back, I see I missed great opportunities of learning and growing in various fields only because I focused on complaining and criticising about people and things and not working to find out the solutions.

Year of 2021 has given me a few great things which I can never forget in my life. Some situations have put me in deep dilemma of understanding life and responsibilities. So, I could say that this year has taught me a lot of valuable things which I didn’t learn from past 23 years of life.

And also, I am more focused on researching and analysing only because I stopped pulling legs of others and invested those time on looking out for solutions whenever a problem got into my way.

“Let’s not get into things which make our life hell, let’s make the hell a heaven for us and others as well”.  

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