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How writing everyday has changed my life?

I will start writing with time before I started writing on Quora, I used to just read answers written by others and I really enjoyed reading others experiences and lessons they learned and shared through this platform.

It was going really well until one day I read an answer guiding how to write first answer on Quora without worrying about errors and grammatical mistakes. I wanted to write and share about my thoughts and experiences but I had self-doubts for a few things because I was not good enough for writing my views and opinions so I didn’t think much about writing. But after reading that one answer I started reading more about how to start writing and post answers on Quora.

After answering one question I was disappointed as I didn’t get any feedback for a long time but I kept reading about writing a good and error free article and answer. I tried again and wrote a few answers after one week I started getting upvotes and views on my answers it motivated me to write more and spend quality time on Quora to write an effective answer.

A few of them got really good views like 70k+ and I was excited as it was getting upvotes too. I kept writing and didn’t think much about errors as I was improving day by day and learning in the process of writing.

While writing one thing I noticed that I spent a good amount time in thinking and analyzing the scenarios which helped me learn a lot of things from past mistakes. So, writing on Quora has helped me in thinking critically and taught me to write a good and genuine article for various topics.

Before Quora I had one blogger’s blog and I always thought to post something everyday but due to lack of knowledge about writing I couldn’t, now I post at least one article in every-week after I got some idea about writing and sharing my views and all the credit goes to Quora and the people on Quora who inspired me to write and not to worry about comments and errors.  

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