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Are you trying to learn about this?

First of all, learning is a never-ending process in life every action we take or think about has to teach us something but for that we should keep our mind open.

While doing something or thinking about something when I pause myself there, I see a lot of things going on beside the work. Every small detail involved in the process plays important role.

Every day in our life even when we think we are not learning something intentionally, we learn unconsciously.

I will share what I do to make learning a part of daily routine or life. Whenever I am lost in thoughts or some other moments, I pause myself and watch my thoughts going on in my mind and when I do it all the chattering in mind stops and it feels so relaxing. While being in that state I am able to learn something from my surroundings or from the people smarter than me.

In this era of internet everyday we are watching something new and unique which make us curious to know about things and make us ask questions like how and why? And these questions make us look for various sources in this process we are only learning by being involved in it.

Without putting in much efforts to learn something new, we are acquiring various information and skills which eventually will help us in future without realization of its learning phase.

“Only thing you should keep in mind is to ask questions this will do all the required formalities in developing habit of learning and growing”.

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