- The habit of spending all your time and energy on your To Do list and none of it envisioning the life and career you want.
- The habit of believing other people when they tell you "You can't be what you want to be!" or "You can't do that -- you don't have the talent/brains/experience for it."
- The habit of keeping your mouth shut when you really want to speak -- because you're afraid someone else might not like what you have to say.
- The habit of choosing the "safe" course of action over the courageous, righteous one.
- The habit of doing a lot of things passably -- versus doing a few things really, really well.
- The habit of avoiding big changes because making changes can feel uncomfortable or scary.
- The habit of falling asleep on your job and losing touch with the outside world, yourself, and your dreams.
- The habit of judging yourself and others.
- The habit of failing to set boundaries -- with your boss, your co-workers, your clients, your family and your friends.
- The habit of putting other people first and putting yourself last.
If you have any suggestions let me know...