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How can I improve my knowledge?

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Sit down and peruse a journal. Journals typically provide academic research that is longer than magazine articles and use extensive citations. A journal contains very specific information about one particular discipline. Compared to books, newspapers, and magazines, journals are more difficult to access and are more expensive, but provide more detailed and proven information.
Socialize with friends, colleagues, and professionals. The more people you come into contact with, the higher possibility to engage in intelligent and informative conversations where you can gain additional knowledge.
Attend a seminar or conference. Listening to professionals conducting the seminar or conference will provide you the general knowledge presented a topic. This is important because the presenter is speaking professionally about the methods, approaches, and experiences they encountered while formulating an analysis that took several years to conduct and yield results.
Join a book club or social group. Try to expand your experiences and friendships with people who are interested in doing the same thing. Discussing books, current events, history, or politics with others will force you to rely on your general knowledge and to synthesize new information.
Play online games or programs that challenge your knowledge. Choose a game or program that involves learning new information, rules, or strategies.
hope this helps!

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