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Importance of logo and name of the Brand.

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The name is the most used aspect of your business, however, a picture is worth a thousand words.

A good name will help you to emerge for free in lists of companies, will help you to be remembered, accepted in different markets. It will emerge in organic searches without you investing a dime, it will connect you with concepts in the minds of potential clients.

A logo is a symbolic design that is associated with an organization. A logo can be thought of as a company’s signature or the first face of any company or business and a well-designed company logo will convey some type of feeling from an individual towards that company.
A logo creates a visual impact that helps the audience to recognize the brand and become memorable.

Brand Recognition 
A logo can be more important to a company than its name. One of the reasons for this is instant brand recognition. For example, if I bring out the idea of a swoosh or golden arches, an individual may instantly think Nike or McDonald’s. A company’s logo ultimately becomes the face of a company and the source of quickest recognition.

The Thought Process
An individual sees a Nike logo. The Nike logo elicits a type of feeling for the individual. If the logo has established enough brand recognition, it will instantly tell the individual what the company sells and if they had good or bad prior experiences with the company. These experiences may include commercials, seeing a friend with the product, or even personally using the products in the past. These memories are strong enough to generate a response from the individual. The individual is also likely to be inclined to purchase products as a result.
logos are the most effective branding tool to build your business’ brand identity in the market. If your logo can convey your business message effectively and in an impressive way, it can help you easily create a unique identity and a strong persona for your business. Do not forget that logos appear on all prominent marketing tools including websites, business cards, stationery, leaflets, and brochures amongst a host of other marketing collateral. With its wide presence everywhere, your target audiences start associating your logo with the high-end quality of your products and/or services. Quite naturally, logos remain the strongest way to build a strong identity for your brand.
"Your Logo Is More Important Than Your Company Name."

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