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Take a walk outside. 
When you sit still, your body systems are at rest, says, Moving your body helps wake up your mitochondria, the part of your cells that generate energy. taking a brisk walk several times per week can make your mitochondria double in size, which helps the body produce more energy. The combination of fresh air and exercise also stimulates blood flow to the brain so you can regain clarity and focus.
Drink a glass of water.
"If you find you're lacking focus, taking a break for a glass of water can perk you up just like watering a plant,"
Eat something healthy. 
A healthy snack can stabilize blood sugar, stave off hunger pangs and assist with healthy brain function.
Take a nap.
When you're your own boss, a quick nap is something you can schedule into your day. A 20-minute nap provides significant benefits for improved alertness and performance.
Plot out your day in advance.
For the next 21 days, organize each day before the day begins. Commit to waking up 30 minutes earlier than you're used to in order to identify your top three to-do's. Choose three daily tasks that have the greatest influence on your performance and success.
Do your top three to-dos first.
Most people do this backwards – they focus first on the unimportant tasks and save the most crucial activities for last. Saving the important items for last means that you'll need the greatest courage and energy at the end of the day when you're most tired from spending countless hours completing lower-priority tasks. By getting the most important items out of the way first, you create mental energy and momentum for the rest of the day.
Seek small, continuous improvement.
A sign that you need to mentally detox is feeling hopeless, overwhelmed, or burnt out. This comes from fixating on the end result, rather than looking for any improvement along the way. For 21 days, remind yourself to discover any improvement in the current situation, small or large. When you get into the habit of seeing improvement, you become more optimistic and less discouraged.
Use your brain There is a lot of knowledge up there, so put it into action. Doing tasks such as thinking through problems or avoiding the calculator for simple arithmetic is one way to exercise your mind.

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