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Peace of Mind !

Racing thoughts may be replays of past events which generated anxiety or sadness for you. They may also be worries about things that could happen in the future.
Our mind usually worries about things it is convinced are true but, most of the time, are actually not true. You can balance your mind's tendency to predict the worst outcome by coming up with positive alternative scenarios.
A mantra is just a simple phrase or word that you repeat to calm your mind. Research has shown that repeating a mantra reduces activity in the part of your brain that is responsible for self-judgment and reflection.
Returning your focus to the present will help you accept and let go of what you cannot control. It will also help you realize that you can't change the past, and that the future hasn't happened yet, so it's a waste of time to keep thinking about them.
This shifts the fight-or-flight response of your sympathetic nervous system to the relaxed response of the parasympathetic nervous system. Try counting to 3 as you breathe in and to 5 as you breathe out. Pay attention only to your breathing as you try to slow it down. Your mind will wander, but just bring it back to your breathing.
you can consciously take control of and guide your mind in a different direction by working with your thoughts.
The idea is to determine where you are on the emotional scale about something and, then, choose a thought that is higher on the scale promoting better feelings and a greater sense of peace. It doesn’t work to try to go from the bottom all the way to the top instantly. It doesn’t feel believable — well because it’s not. The idea is to choose something believable which makes you feel a little bit better about a situation and takes you a few notches up the scale.
You don’t have to fight with your thoughts, make them go away, or do anything with them at all if you don’t want to. Accept them, and don’t give them any more of your attention than necessary.
Accepting the thoughts is not the same thing as agreeing with or believing them. To accept them means to just let them exist without investing meaning or importance in them, or judging them or yourself for having the thoughts. Mindfully observe the thoughts and realize they really have nothing to do with who you are. They are just thoughts –some electrical impulses in your brain. They only have as much power as you give them.
You never have complete control of what happens around you and never will, but you can control and choose what you say to yourself about what happens.

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