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Simple ways to be relaxed and calm!

Growing research reveals that deep-breathing exercises can actually activate neurons in your brain that tell your body to relax. Every time you’re undergoing negative thoughts, point them out. Then, note all the indication that refutes that notion, or reasons why the situation could actually be a positive one. If possible, write these annotations down, and reflect on them with self-compassion. You don’t have to believe the positive thoughts right away, but recognizing them can begin to help lessen your anxiety and overwhelm.

One way to kick bad vibes is by exercising. Taking a step away from your stress to focus on a low-impact exercise can actually pacify your stress and boost endorphins instantaneously.

Meditation reinforces our ability to root the mind in the present and approach life’s challenges with more clarity, calm, and intention. As such, it can be a real game changer when it comes to overcome.

Journaling is a proven way of pacifying feelings of overwhelm because it helps you clear your thoughts and curate a perceptible plan.
write down your uncertainties. You may even want to ask yourself questions regarding what you can do in that moment to help yourself find balance or overcome the scuffles you’re facing. Seeing it written right there in front of you may help you comprehend your best solutions more clearly.

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