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New Year resolution!


One habit for life!

I have this one habit of taking everything seriously, although I have started practicing since a while and made myself understand that why to take every single thing in a serious way in this short period of life which has no guarantee when it is going to be expired.

There is a saying ‘carrying the same word for your whole life’, is useless. I understood, that there is no use of thinking and being in same state of mind, so leave the bad behind and look for the good.  

Thinking about something, someone has said long ago can take you nowhere instead it will drag you in a miserable state where you won’t be able to do something new or good.

I am going to get rid of this bad habit as soon as possible by understanding the way of life and how our thought process works. I would surely mention this, one thing has helped me a lot to minimize this, is meditation and understanding the process of thoughts while sitting idle and doing nothing.

When we observe our behavior and attitude toward things and people, then we realize “we are so different than what we think we are”. So, for me to get to know the actual way of living a life and being no different than “what we think we are” is the resolution in new coming years. And to be more humble and kind version of myself is also in the list, new year is going to be a new opportunity, a new chance to live the dreams of life.





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