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What are the habits a 15-year-old should have?

Let me come the point directly and mention some good habits, which will be beneficial for all the ages of people.


  • Knowing something is not good for your health and still continues to consume, it is like killing yourself knowingly. Have control over your desires and then take your decisions wisely.
  • By doing yoga and meditation you can minimize your mental and emotional tiredness. Mental tiredness does not let you sleep well and makes you feel exhausted and low at the end of the day.
  • There is a link between the rhythm of our breathing pattern and our emotions. We can get rid of our negative and fearful thoughts by changing the pattern of our breathe. Adapt a habit of taking deep breaths, so we can have control on our emotions and thoughts. 
  • You have the ability to talk, so you should also be able to be quiet and calm, if you are quiet, then only you are listening and thinking and using your brain.
  • Your likes and dislikes create a boundary around you, it limits your life. Do not put a label on you, just be you and enjoy your moments of life.

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