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What are some cool psychological hacks?

What are some cool psychological hacks?

My friend, who is remarkable at human interaction, revealed his secret to me.
Every time people approached him, they loved him. People he met for the first time instantly felt magnetized by his presence. I don’t know how he did it, he barely said anything!
I asked him, “How do you do it man?”
He replied, “Every time you meet someone new, or an old friend from the past, react extremely excited and happy to see them. Chances are, they will react the same way.”
“Bullshit.” I replied.
“Try it.”
So I did.
Now, whenever I meet someone new, I always act eager and excited. They usually reciprocate their excitement or look at me like I’m freakish or weird.
Either way, I seem instantly sociable.

C-Lance Stevenson

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