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Just plug-in a charger and unfreeze your phone.

  • Phone gets hanged or stuck or freeze at moments?

  • Double the charging speed
You can double the charging speed by turning you phone into airplane mode
  • Have a recycle bin in your android.
With this app called Dumpster app, You can add recycle bin to your android and recover the files deleted in hurry or by mistake.
  • Planning to watch movie in your phone? Need a stand? Use sunglasses instead
  • If you are a myopic(and forgot your glasses at home) and can’t see anything, use your phones camera
  • Block apps for certain period.
We use some apps rarely, but they pop up every now and then irritating us. With this app you can block apps for a certain period of time. Clear lock.

  • Don’t know whether your remote controller is working or not? Use your phones camera to check it.
cr: Avnish hirani

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