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The small things you can do to have a good life!

1. Waking up early and loving it!
2. Choosing healthy over unhealthy.
3. Watching sun-rise or sun-set every day.
4. Spending time with the people you love.
5. Reading every day.
6. Helping others whenever you can.
7. Meditation: The ultimate path to peace of mind.
8. Working out in whatever way you can.
9. Smiling more often.
10. Using less mobile phones.
11. Watching TED talks.
12. Writing things that bother you.
13. Appreciating the little things in your life.
14. Watching something funny.
15. Not having your meals in a rush.
16. Planning your finances & savings.
17. Praying before going to sleep.
18. Being grateful.
19. Loving yourself and your journey.
20. 6-8 hours of Sleep!
credit:chitralekha magre :)

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