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The journey started and ended on the same place but with different characters.

                             Image result for life 

 Once on a very fine morning, a man was going to leave his father in an Old age home & Orphanage whose he was the only son. He left him there and came back to his car. There he found that his careless dad forgot to take his one luggage bag along with him. He went back to give that one bag to his father and scold him for his carelessness. He found that in a time period of about 2 minutes, his father became very friendly with the owner of that place. He was quite confused and went on to ask the owner about this. So that’s how their conversation went:
Owner: Good morning sir. Do you need any help?
Man: Yes, from how much time do you know that man? (pointing to his father)
Owner: Um, I know him from 23 years.
Man: Ohh, how so?
Owner: Because that's when he adopted a boy from our orphanage.
The man couldn't convince his father to come back along with him. But what he could take along with him was his tearful soul. The journey started and ended in the same place but with different characters.

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