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Good habits help to foster an increased level of happiness, vitality, health.

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Here are 5 habits that can improve your life.
  • Smile, even when stressed
The effects of smiling on stress have been well-documented. Smiling helps to send a strong impulse to the mind, which then alters your neurochemistry.
  • Daily gratitude
Spend 15 to 30 minutes every single day listing off what you have to be grateful for. Even if you feel like you have nothing to be grateful for, search for something. Maybe you’re in a financial hole, but at least you have the intellect in your mind and the ability to walk, talk, and reason. If you search, you can always find something to be grateful for.
  • Meditate
This doesn’t have to be a religious experience. Simply practicing the art of meditation will boost your overall happiness, decrease stress, lower blood pressure, and ease anxieties.
  • Daily Learning
On a daily basis, learning is critical for our happiness, but it also affects other spectrums of our life’s quality as well. It allows us to grow, mature, and gain experiential knowledge of the world.
  • 10,000 steps
Maybe you can’t exercise every single day. But you can most certainly ensure that you walk at least 10,000 steps. Walking 10,000 steps has extraordinary health benefits. Too often, we don’t walk even close to 10,000 steps. In fact, studies have suggested that waking 10,000 steps per day not only helps with weight loss but that it also helps to decrease your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

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