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Smart work not Hard work...

Avoid Multitasking
Although a small number of people are great at multitasking, for most people multitasking just reduces efficiency. Doing two tasks at once means you’re more likely to make little mistakes, as your brain is jumping from task to task. Focus on one task and fully complete it before moving on to the next one to produce better quality work in the same amount of time – or less!
Shut The Door While You Work
close your door for at least a few hours during the day. Interruptions and distractions are much more likely to happen if the door is open, so cut out the temptation if you want to have an extra productive day.
Pre-Plan Breaks
Taking short breaks helps you to stay focused so that you work faster and smarter.
Set A Bedtime And Keep To It
As well as a work schedule, having a sleep schedule for the days you work will help you to work faster and smarter. You will work more efficiently if you have slept well, so set a bedtime that means you get enough sleep.
Make Sure You Have Everything You Need
Planning ahead and making sure you have everything you need will help to save you time and help you to work faster.
Relieve stress.
Since stress can cause physical, emotional, and behavioral problems - which can impact your health, energy, well-being, and mental alertness - it's no surprise that stress hinders your work performance.
Do more of the work you enjoy.
Not everyone is privileged enough to do what you love for a living. Even if you are chasing your dreams and following your passions, there will still be tasks you're not fond of doing. In either case, focus more on the work that you actually enjoy doing.

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