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All about Line and Staff Organisation...

Line organization is the basic framework for the whole organization. It represents a direct vertical relationship through which authority flows. This is the simplest and oldest, known as the chain of command or scalar principle.

According to Henry Fayol, “Staff is a group of men who have the strength, knowledge and time which the line manager may lack”.

According to Allen, “Line refers to those positions and elements of organization, which have the responsibility and authority and are accountable for the accomplishment of primary objectives. Staff elements are those which have responsibility and authority for providing advice and service to the line in the attainment of objectives.”

A "line function" is one that directly advances an organization in its core work. This always includes production and sales, and sometimes also marketing. A "staff functions" supports the organization with specialized advisory and support functions.

Based on primary business functions and specialized services departments are identified as line functions and staff functions. The primary functions in an organization are (a) production/Service (b) Marketing and (c) Finance and these are categorized as line functions.

In any organisation, if the line functions work efficiently and continuously the staff functionaries will have work and reason for existence. 

The most important features are (i) it takes scalar chain Principle (Line of command) and (ii) Involves role for specialists a staff function. In the complex business environment, it is essential to have services of various types of specialists. The staff functionaries play a supportive role to line functionaries.

The primary functions are production, marketing, and finance. Production initiates a business and marketing gives meaning in end. Finance plays a role of supporting both production and marketing. These are hence called as line functions. It is therefore natural that executives working in these functions carry more importance in an organization.

Some of the common complaints against each other are:
1. Staff people are theoretical and do not understand the practical problems.
2. Ideas and schemes are by staff and line function people take the credit.
3. Staff people are the burden to the company whereas line people work harder for their salary.
4. Authority is unnecessarily more with line functions than the staff functions.
5. Line functions do not appreciate ideas and advise of staff.
6. Line people try shortcuts for quick results whereas staffs are more methodical.
In order to resolve such complaints committee should be formed to discuss and settle the matters amicably the job description and responsibilities to be clarified in writing to avoid any ambiguity.
                     Image result for line and staff organisation
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