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What piece of advice changed your life positively and How?

I watch one ted talk or an interview video everyday on YouTube, so one day I was watching an interview video and the person who was talking about his life, had some really good skill of speaking and articulating his life story.

So, he spoke about many things that happened in his life and how he tackled those situations and acted wisely.

One line he said and that got stuck in my mind and I never forgot the way he said it,

” Nothing is Permanent here, every single thing is temporary and we have a limited time period here on this planet to do things we love”.

It seemed regular sentence to me in the beginning, as I began to think about- it became so powerful that I started seeing things differently.

I looked up people and things as they are and stopped making any kind of judgements about them.

Even now whenever in my mind something comes like, oh this person is bad or this thing is good, instantly my mind goes to the same sentence that was stuck there and then abruptly everything goes zero in my mind and I am at peace because I do not have to make any comments or judgements towards others.

Adjudicating and stating someone or something takes a lot of energy and time, also create bad vibes, so if it stops you could invest those energy and time into something really important for you and the world as well!

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