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Change your unhealthy habits:

First of all, recognize the behaviors you want to change. This means bringing what is usually lifeless (or at least ignored) to your awareness.

Think of that you end up being like the five people you hang out with most. Look at who those people are: Do they inspire you or do they drag you down?

Picture yourself working out and enjoying it, eating healthy foods, or fitting into those jeans. See yourself involved in a happy discussion with someone instead of standing in the back of the room.


when you catch yourself saying, “I’m fat” or “No one likes me,” reframe it or redirect it. Reframing is like rewriting the script. Replace it with, “I’m getting in good physical shape, or “My confidence is growing.”

Even if you can’t fully follow through with a new habit right away, do something small to keep yourself on track.

Habits don’t change overnight. Love yourself each time you do and remind yourself that you are human, and humans do learn over the experiences.

Habits usually take several weeks to change. You have to emphasize that bundle of nerves in your brain to change your default settings.

Assumptions can be a way to comfort yourself when you’re feeling down. Cruising the Internet for hours might be a way you avoid interacting with yourself. Give time to yourself and work everyday on a single habit until you’ve mastered it.

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