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Step out your comfort zone!

The capability to take risks by stepping outside your comfort zone is the key way by which we grow. But we are often scared to take that first step.

Become Aware of What’s Outside of Your Comfort Zone, What are the things that you be certain of are worth doing but, are frightened of doing yourself because of the probable disappointment or failure?

Draw a circle and write those things down outside the circle. This process will not only allow you to clearly identify your discomforts but, your comforts.

Begin to treat disappointments as a teacher. What did you learn from the involvement? How can you take that lesson to your next adventure to increase your chance of success?

Don’t try to jump outside your comfort zone, you will likely become overwhelmed and jump right back in.

Take small steps toward the fear you are trying to overcome. If you want to do public speaking, start by taking every chance to speak to small groups of society. You can even exercise with family and friends.

Enjoy the progression of stepping outside your safe borders. Enjoy the fun of learning things about yourself that you may not have been aware of beforehand.

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