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Life hacks and Tricks...

I have searched the web and compiled a round-up of 10 popular life hacks for you to use. Some are more useful than others.

Life hacks are clever tips, techniques, or shortcuts that make little tasks easier. You can also think of them as creative, improvised solutions to common problems.

1. If you left home and forgot to brush your teeth or you ran out of toothpaste, chewing an apple can help with bad breath.

2. Stack your clothing vertically in your drawers instead of horizontally if you want more bang for your buck as far as room is concerned.

3. Use different color pens in lectures - Studies have shown that color can have a positive impact on memory, stimulating the brain and making it easier to learn and retain data. Which, in short, means something as simple as divvying up notes in different colors can give you the edge.

4. Use ‘’ for essays or research instead of Google. You’ll find more reliable and relevant resources there other than general blogs from people.

5. Drawing tables and diagrams in your notes increase the mind’s recall capacity!

6. After writing your essay, copy-paste it onto Google translate and listen to it. Listening makes it easier to find mistakes.

7. Keepmeout is a great website and app that helps you beat distractions! If you’re working on the desktop, this website will keep you out of sites such as Log In or Sign Up, YouTube, etc. And on the phone, this app will lock your phone for any number of minutes specified!

8. Had enough sleep but still feeling super tired when you wake up? You’re just dehydrated, drink a glass of water!

9. Build up your GPA in the beginning semesters when classes are easier.

10. Make Use Of Your Student Card - Sometimes you may easily forget the much discount you can receive with the student card, but it is one of the prevalent saving benefits you have as a student. With the card, you can easily get discounts in certain stores, trains, movie tickets to mention a few.

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