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LifeHacks and Tips

 These are some practical hacks, which I have tried and it worked to some extent:

  • Going to do something that makes you nervous? "By chewing gum, you are basically tricking your brain into thinking you are comfortable. It work really well try it.
  • Is someone genuinely enjoying talking to you, or is he searching for an excuse to leave? To find out, just look at his feet. It they're pointed toward you, the person is probably genuinely engaged. If they're pointed away, his mind is probably elsewhere. This trick can also help you tell if you're welcome to join a conversation.
  • Charisma isn't a mysterious gift. All you need to do to be more charming is ask more relevant questions.
  • Assuming comfort is so powerful. Commanding your brain to feel that you already know the person you are about to meet puts you in a position of advantage. It increases the chances of people showing interest in you and consequently even liking you.
  • Interrupting people when they are in the middle of an important conversation is one of the most annoying things to do. It shows that you have zero knowledge of social dynamics which will lead to unpleasant social situations.
  • Admit it. We all love to get others to do stuff for us. Either because we are lazy, or because we really need some help to complete a task. Social dynamics show that when it comes to platonic relationships, nobody really likes an asshole. So whenever you need a favor, start your sentence with “I need your help.”

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