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What are the most useful ways to become productive?

You can’t become more industrious overnight. But if you make small variations and put some of these habits into place, you’ll be well on your way to becoming more resourceful.

Increase output and become highly effectual with these habits:

1.    Focus on most important tasks first

2.    Cultivate deep work

3.    Keep a distraction list to stay focused

4.    Eliminate inefficient communication

5.    Find repeatable shortcuts

6.    Learn from successes as well as mistakes

some tasks are just problematic. You can’t multitask your way to finishing them. You need to dedicate serious time and mental effort to knocking them out of the park. These tasks are called “deep work.”

Whether you’re trying to focus on deep work or just dealing with smaller tasks, disruptions are the bane of thruput. It’s hard to maintain efficient work habits with distractions around.

One powerful method of reducing distractions is creating a “distraction list.”

Keep this list - whether it’s a Google Doc or a physical piece of paper nearby while you’re working. Whenever a diverting thought pops up, write it down on the list and get back to work. Be proactive about taking breaks. When you take breaks, it’s important to make them organized and thoughtful. It’s easy to justify distractions as “taking a break.” But if you don’t have that break time arranged, it’s possible that you’re actually just getting unfocused.

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