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When things are not going on your way...


Stop comparing.

So, what if someone else is better at something than you are? You have a particular set of skills and knowledge that others don’t have, and the contrary is true as well.

Stop overlooking past failures.

The best thing about failure is that you can learn from it. Often, you can learn even more from a failure than a success. Keep your disappointments in mind as a way to better yourself.

Stop seeing difficulties as barricades.

Just as you can learn from failure, you can also learn from the problems you’re currently facing. Instead of getting irritated, take a step back to evaluate the situation and figure out what you can do about it.

Stop giving up.

You’re in charge of your life. When you give up, the only person to blame is you.

Stop trying to be someone you’re not.

Remember who you are and what you stand for. Changing yourself, in the hopes that other things might change too, is not a good idea.

Stop obsessing.

Don’t stress too much about something. Obsessing too much over one thing can be draining, and might cause the situation to get worse.

Plan your day the day before!

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