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The art of being in experience !

The art of being humble and calm in any situation of life. This habit plays a vital role in our daily life where enormous different situations come. By being calm you are able to understand the problem or situation and by understanding the problem you will be able to find most probably the right solution.

You do not have to panic or else you will make the problem or situation messier and then it would take more time and effort to bring the situation in control.

Through meditation and being able to experience different circumstances in my life I have come to understand that if we look clearly there is always something or someway to challenge the situation so what’s the need of being in hurry or stressed and lose control of yourself.

You just need awareness and patience and by doing practice you will confidently be in this state of mind. Look back and see how you have had come across so many problems in life so far and you faced all those anyhow that is why you are here with so many experiences. 

‘’Be open and be patient to whatever is coming in your way, you will pass through everything no matter how good or bad it seems’’.

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