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What are some of my bad habits that I changed lately ?

Being a problem-oriented person is really chaotic. I used to complain a lot, whatever used to happen to me I blamed something or someone else for that. I never took my own responsibility while doing something. It always used to be someone else who drove me throughout the work or project, and I think for not being able to involve in the whole process of the work is unacceptable and also which was a blunder from my side. 

Now I realize that I should have gone through all the processes so I could have exposure about things and the situations that arise while doing it.

Although it's never too late to start, learn and relearn so now I have different approach towards the work I do or see throughout the day.

Having a solution-oriented mindset gets you more things done than expected, and it is always an advantage for people like me who has not so strong background.

Being in negative mindset and thoughts is a disease which kills the creativity. this also I had to change which was a disaster for me. I started thinking positively and then acted accordingly and suddenly things and people started to be positive for me.

Be a decision maker and risk taker, if wish to move forward in life and bring change for self and the society as well.


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