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It is all about clarity of thoughts and purpose!

It’s all about clarity of thoughts and purpose, when we are clear about what we are doing and why, then we hardly need external motivations to work and be consistent.

If we don’t put ourself in action by taking small steps every day, then no matter for how long we are listening to motivational speakers or reading Quotes, it is not going to help in long run; these are just a temporary mood booster and not a real solution for productivity related problems. 

We all need purpose, goals to achieve and if we have clear goal then we work and try to achieve it without getting distracted because we are able to see where we are heading and why.

All we have to do is look for a goal and then understand the importance of it that when and how this is going to impact our life and transform us for good. In the process of it, we will have to read a lot of articles and books to get the clarity and depth knowledge related to whatever we are working on. Along with it we will be learning various things like; how to handle a situation and act wisely.

When we are working on a project which is going to transform us or the society, then we already are motivated and full of energy, so we motivate others to be consistent and productive in their life so others also could find their purpose and work accordingly.


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