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The best advice I have ever got.

He asked me, ‘Suppose I give you a glass of almond (Badam) milk flavored with Kesar (saffron), will you like to drink it?’ 

‘Most certainly yes Sir. I love Badam milk’. 
‘Now suppose that just before you take the first sip of the milk, a bird drops its excrement in the milk. Can you still drink it?’ 
‘That will be horrible Sir. It will be impossible to drink such milk’, I replied, twisting my face in disgust. 
He then gave this timeless advice in the following words, 

‘Beautiful relationships are like the milk filled, with almond and saffron. We create relationships with our spouses, parents, children, or friends with so much effort. We do everything for them, take care of them and say numerous complimentary things to them as we love them from bottom of our heart. Then one day, when we are low or upset or our loved one commits some mistake, we lose our temper and shout at them. We say something to them that hurts them badly. After some time, when we are sober, we feel bad and even profusely apologize. Yet just like a drop of bird dropping is sufficient to spoil millions of drops of milk, our wrong action damages the relationship very badly. The person on the receiving end does not remember our hundred good deeds and words but remembers every harsh word uttered by us when we lose our temper. If we can just control ourselves on those few moments, we can always have a great relationship with everyone.’ 

One must always neglect comments from those who don't matter in one's life. Be resistant to negative people and enjoy this time of yours. 

Relationships are also expensive so yes, you need money therefore, don’t stop making money. 

Source: Quora



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