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Items that might be useful to carry in 2023

It is difficult to predict exactly what items will be necessary or useful to carry in 2023, as it depends on the specific circumstances and activities that an individual is engaged in. Here are a few general items that might be useful to carry in 2023:

A phone or other device for communication and accessing information

A wallet or purse for carrying personal documents, money, and other important items

A bag or backpack to carry larger items or additional supplies

Personal hygiene products, such as hand sanitizer, tissues, and a toothbrush

Water and snacks for hydration and sustenance

Protective gear, such as a mask or gloves, if necessary for the specific situation

Emergency supplies, such as a first aid kit or flashlight

Clothing and other personal items that are appropriate for the weather and the specific activity

A map or GPS device for navigation

Entertainment items, such as a book, music player, or game, to pass the time.

Again, this is just a list of general items that might be useful to carry in 2023. The specific items that an individual chooses to carry will depend on their needs and the situation they are in.

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