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We must know the definitions of these words or sentences

How important is time in our daily life?

Time is extremely important in our daily lives. It is a fundamental aspect of our existence and helps to keep our lives organized and structured. We use the time to measure the duration of events and the intervals between them, and it is a key factor in our ability to plan and schedule things. Time also helps us to understand the world around us, as many natural phenomena, such as the cycles of the seasons and the movement of the planets, are based on the passage of time. Without a concept of time, it would be difficult for us to function effectively in the world.

If I had my life to live over again?

If I had your life to live over again, I would have the opportunity to make different choices and experience new things. I might be able to improve upon My past experiences and achieve my goals more effectively. It is also possible that I might make different mistakes and have different challenges to overcome. Overall, the experience of living my life over again would likely be unique and different from my first time around.

Define the phrase "sick leave".

Sick leave is time off from work that is granted to employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury. It allows employees to take the time they need to recover and get back to good health without having to worry about losing income or their job. In many cases, sick leave is provided by employers as a benefit to their employees, and employees may be entitled to a certain number of days of sick leave each year. Sick leave is often used in conjunction with other types of leave, such as vacation time or personal time off, to provide employees with a comprehensive package of time off from work.

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