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What's the most motivating one-liner ever?

 ·       The person you will be five years later depends on the information you feed your mind today.

o   This inspired me to read and read a lot.

·       It takes nothing to join the crowd. But it takes everything to stand alone.

o   This inspired me to stick to my own views irrespective of what others think

·       The currency of knowledge will be accepted everywhere.

o   Again, this one motivated me to read a lot

·       A lion never stops after an unsuccessful hunt. Why should I?

o   This inspired me to not stop after a failure.

·       A child who reads will be an adult who thinks.

o   again, for reading.

·       The expert in anything was once a beginner

o   Motivated me to not be afraid of learning something new.

·       You are one step closer every day. So, do not give up.

o   Inspired me to not quit.

·       You do not always need a plan. Just go.

o   Inspired me to make instant decisions.

·       Hard work beats talent. Every time.

o   Inspired me to not make excuses when I don’t work hard enough.

·       Life is a number game. Athletes train for 15 years for a 15-second performance.

o   Practising every day is a must.

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