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Why do most people watch a lot of TV? Is it their spending free time and increase knowledge? What is the biggest reason behind it?

Entertainment: Television is a primary source of entertainment, offering a wide range of shows, movies, and series to relax and unwind.

Information and Knowledge: Many people watch TV to stay informed about current events, news, documentaries, and educational programs.

Relaxation: TV provides a way for individuals to de-stress and escape from the demands of daily life.

Social Connection: Watching popular shows or sports events can serve as a shared experience, facilitating social conversations and connections.

Habit: Television has become a habitual part of daily life for many, especially during leisure hours.

Cultural and Artistic Enjoyment: TV is a platform for cultural and artistic expression, showcasing diverse content such as music, art, and performances.

Escapism: It offers a form of escapism, allowing individuals to immerse themselves in fictional worlds and narratives.

The biggest reason varies among individuals and can depend on personal preferences, interests, and the role TV plays in their lifestyle.

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