- Checking Facebook for number of likes and spending 10’s of minutes to decide which picture to upload.
- Checking Instagram for new followers and wasting time on choice of hashtags.
- Checking Youtube for any new entertaining videos and getting stuck for hours. Once you start, there is no immediate stop to it. It’s a trap.
- Checking WhatsApp for who is online and why they haven’t replied. And of course those stupid and useless good morning messages on groups.
- Checking Tinder for new matches.
- Checking Netflix for new episodes of a TV series.
- Checking Reddit for TIFU and other useless related stories.
- Checking Quora for new Upvotes/Comments/Followers/Messages.
- Trying to please everyone.
- Thinking about something that doesn't matter to you.
- lying on bed and thinking about past.
Anything taking your time more than it deserves, is a waste of time after all.
If you have any suggestions let me know...