Chanakya explained 4 secrets for happier life in his chanakya neeti
Who was Chanakya?
was an Indian teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal
advisor. He is traditionally identified as Kauṭilya or Vishnu Gupta, who
authored the ancient Indian political treatise, the Arthashastra.
What are the four secrets?
1.Money loss
first thing that Chanakya said not to discuss with people is a
financial crunch. If you are going through a financial loss, keep it to
No one helps
reason for this is that when people come to know about your money
problem, they will never help you and even if they show their support,
it is fake.
Poor and downtrodden
According to him, the poor in the society are not respected. So, one should keep his poverty to himself.
2.Personal problems
The second thing that has to be kept as a secret always according to Chanakya is your personal problems.
Ridiculed by people
says, that people who share their personal problems with others are
always ridiculed and looked down upon. People laugh at them behind their
3.Character of your wife
third thing that needs to be kept as a secret is the character of one’s
wife. Those who keep this a secret are wise men at the end of the day.
Blabber unwanted things
He said that men who talk about their wives in front of others might say something they did not intend to.
4.Insult by the poor
fourth thing that should always remain as a secret is one’s insult by
down trodden or the "neglected" of the society. Chanakya thought if you
do share such an incident , people might make fun of you.
Pride and ego
This will eventually harm your pride and ego, leading to loss in self confidence.
credit: Ankit Chauhan
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